Monday, October 31, 2011

Thank You Parents and Grandparents!

We are so appreciative for the CAKES, PIES, and other goodies you sent for our CAKE WALK at Fall Festival!  We had a lot of fun dancing, yelling, and giving away cakes!  Thanks again for your support!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Festival Tonight (October 28) 5:00-8:00 Fourth grade has a beautiful tree for the auction!

We are starting a new unit on Earth changes on Monday. Our vocabulary quiz will be on the following words next Friday (November 4):

UNIT 6 – Earth Changes
1.       volcano – sudden earth change where lava is released
2.       earthquake – sudden change of the vibrating of the Earth’s surface
3.       tornado – sudden change of a funnel cloud causing great damage
4.       hurricane – sudden change of a huge storm forming in ocean
5.       mudslide – sudden change of huge bodies of land sliding down of a mountain side; usually causes from flooding
6.       weathering – breaking down of sediment
7.       erosion – gradual wearing away of the Earth’s surface by wind, water, wave or ice
8.       deposition – the depositing of sediment; creates sand dunes
9.       sediment – bits of rock
10.   flooding – natural disaster causes by excess rain
The unit test will be on Friday, November 11th.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

UNIT 5 – Water/ Air
1.       evaporation – liquid to a gas
2.       condensation – gas to a liquid
3.       precipitation – water falling to the ground; rain, snow, sleet or hail
4.       water cycle – constant recycling of water
5.       air pressure – amount of air pressing down on earth’s atmosphere
6.       atmosphere – blanket of air surrounding the earth
7.       greenhouse effect – earth’s atmosphere trapping energy from the sun
8.       buoyancy – the ability to float
9.       density – causes an object to sink
10.   air mass – huge body of air
Fourth grade students took thir Volleyball/Newcomb test on Wednesday.  They also have a water/air vocabulary quiz on Friday, October 21st.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I am so glad to be back from break! Didn't we have beautiful weather for our time off?  Today the kids were kissed with bubbles to celebrate their KCCT scores! The students improved in EVERY category with an overall 105!  That is the reason Mrs. Sullivan passed out SMARTIES to all the students! We are so proud of our Knights!

For homework tonight (10/10) students are to write a rough draft of a friendly letter from our field trip to the River Discovery Center.  We went over the five parts of a friendly letter and went through the process step by step.

There have been some changes to my original plan for science. As you know, we are continuing to study rocks this week with a four unit vocabulary quiz and a unit four test on soils/rocks on Friday.

I also passed out green study guides for Vollyball/Newcomb today for PE.  We will have a test next week over this for PLCS.  Specific date TBA.